Libertas International

Libertas actively works to fight human trafficking and child exploitation in Latin America in three ways:

Prevent TraffickingRecover Victims Empower Survivors



Libertas believes the gift of education is the best way to prevent trafficking and exploitation. Your donations help fund prevention efforts in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.


Libertas supports intervention efforts by supporting vetted law enforcement officials across Latin America in their rescue efforts. Supplement salaries, technology, training, transport etc.


Aftercare is the key mission of Libertas International. We help support vocational training, mental health therapy, medical costs, etc. of survivors across Latin America.



Libertas believes the gift of education is the best way to prevent trafficking and exploitation. By donating to Libertas International you help support trainings in various parts of the world to allow education to fuel prevention. 


We are actively responding to this crisis by partnering with those executing physical recovery missions and those providing for the immediate needs of survivors. We do not go undercover ourselves. We support the needs of law enforcement officials across Latin America with trainings, supplementing budgets, victim testimonies, etc. Libertas International also doesn’t use the word “rescue” as the real rescue happens in aftercare. Recovery is a more accurate and trauma sensitive word to describe our efforts with local law enforcement. 


We are deeply committed to supporting survivors’ long-term recovery through communities of care, providing them with tools for physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual healing; thus empowering their liberation from the cycle of trauma in their lives and finding their new life of freedom. Libertas International will always invest the majority of our resources into survivor care. 

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The crisis of modern-day sex slavery does not need interested observers. It needs incurable fanatics.
-Benjamin Nolot

If to be feeling alive to the sufferings of my fellow creatures is to be a fanatic, then I am one of the most incurable fanatics ever permitted to be at large.
– William Wilberforce

About Us

Libertas International is a non-profit corporation and operates exclusively for educational and charitable purposes. Our purpose is to recover victims through intervention, and rehabilitate survivors of human trafficking in Latin America through empowerment and aftercare.

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